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@i5/factlib.js - v0.1.6


A library for node.js written in Typescript that enables clients and processes to interact with Linked Data Platforms according to the FactDAG model while preserving and creating correct provenance information.


The config.json configuration file defines URIs for the authority the process exists under, the fact representing the process and the activities that are generated by the process. They should point to an existing Trellis instance.

Getting Started

Import factlib.js

Gitlab users with access to the project repository can load the library from the npm registry as a dependency using

npm install @i5/factlib.js

A list of the available versions can be found in the Packages section in Gitlab.

The library can then be imported like this:

import {Fact} from "@i5/factlib.js";

Understand factlib.js

This document explains the terminology used in the library as well as its basic capabilities. Additionally, there are multiple example provided in this repository, illustrating how Factlib.js may be used.


There are multiple examples that show how the library can be used.

  • Deploy

    A possible docker-compose setup for a multi-authority development environment.

  • Books

    The books example consists of different processes that show different ways of using the library like fact creation, subscriptions and timemap retrieval.

  • Binaries

    The binary example shows the handling of binary resources.

  • Process Pipeline

    This is an example of a possible Gitlab-CI setup that can be committed to a process repository and enables tracking of process provenance. The pipeline create a revision of a process fact in an LDP and stores the URI of the current commit with it.


The TypeDoc Documentation documents the functions and classes that are provided by factlib.js.

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